This is the simplest complete explanation I have seen.
The choices you make when
you are looking for a property will affect how real
estate agents are able to work with you. A
Realtor is bound by the
Realtors Code of Ethics that addresses how
agents should work with each other and with clients
and customers. As a buyer you
may not know that the agent you call to show you a
property considers him or herself to be the
"procuring case of sale" and that agent can claim
part or all of the buyer's agent commission whether
or not he/she acts as your buyer's agent.
How does this affect you as the
When you call different agents to look at properties
you may feel in control but you may also be creating
legal havoc among the agents. You could lose the
opportunity to have exclusive representation and you
could be jeopardizing your opportunity to negotiate
the best price for the property you eventually buy.
Don't want to pay a commission?
Consider this.........
The cost of the commission is
actually built into the price a property sells for.
A listed property's price
will include a commission that is paid by the seller
whether you have a buyer's agent or not. The
seller has a contract with his/her agent that
includes the commission so if you choose not to have
a buyer's agent the part of the commission that
would pay for your buyer's agent actually goes to
the seller's agent when you close. If you go
to the seller trying to avoid the commission, once
again the part of the commission that would pay for
your buyer's agent actually goes to the seller's
agent and you still do not have representation. When
you buy a property that is for sale by owner at what
appears to be the market price you are actually
paying the amount the owner would normally pay in
commission to an agent and you don't have the
benefit of having representation.
Specialty Markets.....
Choosing then sticking with one
agent to do the work for you is your best chance to
find a suitable property and to be able to buy it
for the best price. When choosing a buyer's
agent choose one that knows the types of properties
you are interested in. Most agents specialize
in certain areas of the real estate market.
Here at NC-Airparks we specialize in airpark and
airstrip properties, properties that are most often
not well known by local real estate agents.
Our agents are not going to
the beach to sell an ocean front property or
downtown in a city to sell you a property. We
would refer you to a professional agent who works
these properties on a daily basis; someone who can
represent your best interest.
The easiest
and best way to view homes for sale is to have the one
agent you choose to work with show you all of the properties you look at.
What are
the responsibilities of a real estate agent?
A real estate agent has the responsibility to help
you in the following ways: they must
promote your best interests
• be loyal to you
follow your lawful instructions
provide you with all material
facts that could influence your decisions
• use reasonable skill, care and diligence,
account for all monies they
handle for you.
Once you have agreed
(either orally or in writing) for the firm and its
agents to be your buyer’s agent , they may
not give any confidential information about you to
sellers or their agents without your permission so
long as they represent you.
By working with only
one agent, you can get answers to all of your
questions about any property you want information
about and you are protected from the possibility of
doing something that will jeopardize your position
in the negotiation.
BUYERS AGENT: When working
with a real estate agent it is important to
establish a relationship of trust (a fiduciary
relationship) which works both ways. It
is our goal to be able to assist you in finding a
property that meets your needs while you in return
take advantage of our expertise and knowledge when
finding and buying these unique properties.
Local real estate agents often know nothing about
aviators needs or the characteristics of each
airpark community. We do!

If you think it costs you more for
us to work with you then your are wrong? THINK AGAIN! You
are likely to save both time and money if you let
us assist you with your search for an airpark or
airstrip property. Finding and buying an
aviation property involves an expertise we have
acquired over the years. There is no class or
instruction that teaches agents what we know about
airpark properties.
Aviation properties posted on
these pages are here because the seller has
agreed to pay the commission in their listing
contract with their listing/seller's agent. As a result
using our services COSTS YOU NOTHING EXTRA and you
can be assured that you are working with someone who
knows the ins and outs of securing your purchase in
an aviation community.
WHAT WE DO! We are a full service real estate office who provides this website free of charge
for aviators. When you contact us before you
physically come
to the Carolina's you will know all there is to know
about properties in airpark communities or
properties with an airstrip
available for sale.
We can keep you updated and informed, answer
questions and generally work with you from the
beginning of your search. When you visit
airpark communities in the Carolinas, we will meet
you, show you around and help you find the
property you are looking for. And finally,
when you do purchase a property we can be sure you
will know all there is to know about it including
information related to
security of your
investment aviation-wise.
Additionally, we advertise (market our listings) to
the aviation community worldwide. Selling a
home or lot as an aviation property increases its
market value and supports the General Aviation communities in NC &
SC. Keeping an airpark property in the
ownership of aviation-minded people protects the
owners and
assures them that their community will remain an
airpark community.
established in 2004 by Bruce & Geneva Allen to
provide a real estate service specifically for
owners of properties in airpark communities. In order to be sure
clients have the best service possible
we have dedicated our time to learning all we can
about the various airpark communities in the
Carolinas. Because this is our specialty
niche in the real estate field our research is
on-going and our knowledge and data bases continue
to grow. It would be difficult, if not
impossible, for anyone to duplicate within a few
days or weeks all the information we have collected in the
past eleven years. So
call us for information and complete representation.
It doesn't cost any more to use our services than to
use a buyer agent who doesn't know anything about
airpark properties.
We work as Exclusive
Buyers Agents for properties listed by other agents
and as Dual Agents for properties we have listed.
Only a few of
the many available airpark properties
in the Carolinas are posted here.
Sometimes owners tell us about
properties they would consider selling but do not
want to market actively. These
properties are not listed anywhere. We share information
about these properties only with our committed buyers.
Some airpark or airstrip owners choose to advertise locally with a
local agent. We have a list of these
properties and answers to all your questions
concerning these properties.
Whether working as your Buyers Agent or as dual agent (working for both the buyer and
the seller) we strive for a 'Win-Win' outcome.
Thus far we have succeeded in achieving that goal and in
the process we have made many friends.
Call or email us today.
Information is free and you will not find a
single better source
to help you find and purchase airpark properties in the
Geneva 704-798-5214 or